Annoying people are everywhere, on the streets, at work, hidden in computers and in the classroom! By “annoying” I don’t mean someone who’s a neat nick, has no sense of color, laughs too loud when nothing is funny, or eats too many inions. Annoying people are those who don’t respect your space, time, skill, or position. They insist that you notice them or stand in your way so you can’t help but adjust to their presence. But just like your friends, there are different types of annoying people.
Type One: Unstable Annoying
Social ineptness, can not form relationships, and apparent ruddiness are what linger in this group of annoying past and present. Something is mis-wired in their brain. They assume that they are communicating effectively and acceptably. You can’t take them anywhere simply because everywhere you go they always see someone they hate... then they are ready to run off at the mouth and fight.
Type Two: Sheepdog Annoying
Intrusiveness and inability to be alone are two qualities to empathize when considering the result of a zoo-style upbringing. They do not comprehend privacy. They are like a sheepdog, need to know where everybody is all the time. Or they remind you a black fly. You just want to swat it and watch it writhe forever in the floor. Even when everyone knows you’re in a horrible mood this person still bugs you and has no respect for you.
Type Three: Whining Annoying
I absolutely cannot stand whiners, though I myself at time whine, its never to the extent that these people take it. These people always have a sadder story or more dramatic incident than everyone else. Sadly, there is now a type of whiny music called ‘emo’ that is growing as we speak. Now there is more of a reason to whine than ever, because whiners are whining to song. (Thank you Dashboard Confessional.) Whiners always seem to find a way to make your day bad with their sad stories and empty careless thoughts.
Type Four: Pervert Annoying
Pervert’s are longing for attention and always have been. They are the ones who expect you to listen to dirty jokes continually and enjoy seeing your negative reaction. They act like they want to help all the time and make sure things happen that then make them indispensable. Others know what they are all about as well. But uniquely enough they are never alone or neglected, so nothing can be done about their offensiveness. They keep it subtle enough that it just barley escapes definition. So you can’t really call them out on their behavior without sounding like a jerk.
Type Five: Prejudiced Annoying
There are the people who tend to make rude and unnecessary remarks about color, heritage, or culture. For example: I was in flea land the other and I heard a lady say to her husband “This man is trying to Jew everyone.” Lets all be honest how many of you have honestly been cheated by a Jew... I can guess NO ONE. Everyone has that one person they know that always blames peoples faults on their background or skin color. This type of annoying is ignorant and to be blamed on oneself not their up bringing. Everyone has brains, but some use their brains for one-minded radical track. To be quite honest, these people make me sick.
Type Six: Religious Annoying
Have you ever been assaulted with comments or statements about your religion? If you answered yes, then likely you have been attacked by Fundamentalist Christians. Often called “Religious Right” these people come from the extreme wing of the Christian faith. They do not represent all the Christian faith regardless of what they think. Christianity when at its core is supposed to be mean peace-loving faith. These people have an awful addiction to being right; it has nothing to do with religion. Unfortunately, they do not respond to logic or sound arguments. Anyone who threatens his or her thoughts is called “lost” or “blinded by the devil.” They are an addict, and not to be taken seriously but pitied.
Type Seven: Harmful Annoying
Worse than any of these “annoying” people are the people who actually set out to harm you. The people who have betrayed you, lied about you, and to undermine and belittle you. It’s important to keep this person close... keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This person will slip up eventually and end up getting the worse of everything they bring on everyone else. Although they can be hurtful you must not retaliate in a immature way. You must regarded their ignorance more with sympathy than scorn. They don’t know when to stop so do not be offended by their rude ways. But you MUST have a backbone when dealing these people, they will step on you over and over if you allow it to happen.
Don’t retaliate. Retaliation only makes you just as lame as the person who attacks you first. As time goes on you will learn to deal with the person, who knows you may even become friends. There is a fine line between each type of annoying and I have yet to find a person who has all six characterisics of annoying. People must realize no one is perfect and we are ALL flawed. They probably find something annoying about you just as you do them.
“Anybody can become angry- that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time,for the right purpose, and in the right way- that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” - Aristotle
If you stay calm with annoyance you will be less likely to do something you will regret later. Letting yourself become angry means you will just stay angry. Seriously, who wants to be mad all the time? When you get mad at someone it makes it easier to make you mad the next time they attempt to annoy you. You look just as bad as the person who pissed you off. So I have learned to stay calm, think clearly, and pity the ignorant.
Less Stress, More Happiness
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